Thursday, August 6, 2009

Biking (not hiking) in the Blues

Early in June the family picked a weekend for a "friends" camping trip. Unfortunately for Grant it was a weekend when he wanted to go into the Wenaha. He applied some pretty good pressure to get me to join him, but it was NOTHING compared to the pressure from my wife..well not so much pressure as a resounding NO! In the end we were able to compromise and I got the O.K. to leave for a Sunday day trip.

I was counting on Grant joining us Sunday afternoon about the time friends and family were packing to leave. I didn't figure Grant would show up at 7am Sunday! After all the years of hiking, fishing and exploring with Grant I should have learned he is like a kid on Christmas -- always up at the crack of dawn and excited to get the show on the road! After being called "lame" by my wife for leaving early we hit the road for our newest adventure.

The planned adventure for Sunday was to take Papa Coach's two old Honda Trail 90's (one is a 1969 and the other is a 1978) down to the head waters of the South Fork of the Walla Walla from Deduct Springs. A couple years ago I took a motorcycle down about a mile and thought it was a great trail: pretty open on top, well traveled and not too steep. Great place for novice riders. Truth be told I'm a novice rider and Grant is an absolute beginner. I didn't realize he had never ridden a motorcycle! If we were smart at this point we would of abandoned our quest down the South Fork Trail.

Once we unloaded the bikes we had a hard time getting the older one started. We played with the choke, messed with the carb and ended up trying to start it so many times we broke the swing-out part of the kick starter! Undeterred we kept trying to kick-start it only using the post. Since we couldn't get it started I had Grant take the running Trail 90 down the trail. While he was gone I kept working on the older bike finally getting it running (and kept it running). About 20 minutes later Grant returned up the trail not looking too happy. He lost control of the bike on a rock and knocked his shin pretty good. At this point we decided it was prudent to ride the bikes on some maintained roads in hope of getting better on the bikes.

After a good 45 minutes of riding around we both felt comfortable enough to attempt the South Fork Trail. Only problem is the older bike wasn't idling very fact it wouldn't idle at all without constant "revving". On the Trail 90's this is a bit of a problem since there is no clutch. It is not possible to coast without putting the bike in neutral. Smarter guys would of quit the adventure..we were not that smart.

With a smile on our face and no gear (no food or water) we hit the trail. What a blast! As I mentioned the start of the trail is pretty open, no drop offs and it follows the run-off from Deduct springs. However about a mile in the trail gets steep..not just steep but pucker the butt steep! We keep everything in low gear and manage, for the most part, to make it safely down the trail. Although Grant did end up getting knocked down twice.

About 6-7 miles into the trail we come to a really rough spot. The trail has been washed away and there is no easy way around it. It probably would of been passable with some work but it was getting late in the afternoon and we were both tired. We backed the bikes up and manage to turn them around without the old one cutting out.

Not a quarter of a mile heading back up the trail I absolutely lose control of my bike and head off into the ravine! I manage to bail off and stay on the trail but the bike careens down about 15 feet. Probably a good thing the bike doesn't idol well and cuts out (in-gear it might of continued down the ravine). Thankfully the ravine is brushy and the bike has a cushioned drop. However the drop-off is steep and it takes us a good 20 minutes of pushing and pulling to get the bike back onto the trail.

Needless to say I'm glad to get the bike out of the ravine. A few more feet into the ravine and I'm not sure if we can get it out with a winch. However our ordeal was far from over. Now the bike wouldn't start! We literally pumped the kick-starter for 30 minutes without the slightest hint of a spark. Exhausted and parched we head up the trail to a nearby spring. Took a bit of work but we were able to drink our fill of cold mountain water.

Again tried starting the luck. I'm beginning to wonder what to do. Do we leave the bike and hike out? The trail back is nasty steep and there is no way we would push the bike out. At this point I decide that maybe we should try to coast it downhill and pop it into gear. Hopefully popping the moving bike into gear will provide enough spark for it to start. We try several times with no luck but the bike starts to turn over. After about the 6th try the bike starts and I'm able to keep it running! Keeping the bike in low gear we head back up the trail. Several times the trail is so steep that I don't think the bike is going to make it. However I manage to keep the old bike running the entire trip. Grant wasn't so fortunate. Whenever we got to a really steep part his bike would cut out. Kind of ironic that I was on the bike that wouldn't idle, but he ended up being on the bike that died on all the steep parts.

I kind of felt bad for Grant: the prior day he did a nasty nasty hike in and out of the North Fork of the Wenaha and now he is pushing a dirt bike up the steepest portions of the South Fork trail. I can say this since I'm a few years his senior -- better him than me! We ended up making it back up the trail in one peace with both bikes intact. Tomorrow I'm taking the bikes into a shop to get the carbs rebuilt and tuned up. Who knows maybe when our memory fades we will be ready for another dirt bike adventure!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August 1 North Fork Wenaha Trip

I wanted to hike into the Wenaha again last weekend as usual. And as usual I was having a hard time getting anyone to go with me. My wife had some excuse why she couldn’t go, my good friend and business partner Trever had no good excuses (to me anyway) but gave me some anyway, and Jeff told me he couldn’t abandon his wife and the get together they had planned at his parents cabin on Mill Creek. I had pretty much resolved to go in solo as I did most of last summer, which can be pretty nice. If you need time to reflect, you get ample opportunity.

The only time I became real nervous by myself last year was when I went down Elk Flats in the dark and then saw several bear the following day. Two of the bear I saw were across the river from me and they never even saw me. I had walked down the trail a few miles to a spot that I wanted to start fishing and as I approached the first run I heard a strange crying sound. The trail was a good 50 feet above the river so I stopped, sat down on a rock and began scanning the bank of the river and the brush. The crying went on and soon a small cub popped out of the brush along the river. After a few more minutes of crying and wandering along the side of the river the mother popped out of the brush as well. This contented the cub and they made their way back into the brush. Now, the brush is thick and as soon as the bears went into it I could not see them again. I tried to watch for the brush moving but after they made their way about fifteen feet into it I could not tell if they just stopped or went on. I really wanted to fish that run, so I waited another 10 minutes and then made my way down to the river and quietly fished the run.

The next bear made my heart skip a little. Although I had seen several bears on the Wenaha, they were always at a comfortable distance with the river and a steep bank acting as a barrier. Walking along the trail I was pondering what my best plan of action would be if I should happen to meet one on the trail. As I pondered this I came around a bend in the trail and a male bear was walking down the trail toward me. After an initial “Oh Shit” feeling in my gut, I hollered at the bear and he turned around and ran up the trail. Although I was glad the bear turned and ran, I would have preferred that he ran in a direction I was not going. Thinking that I might be able to get around him and avoid a second meeting I got into the creek and tried to get above him on the trail. Apparently he had a similar idea though. As I walked up the creek I saw a large wet trail leading out where he had crossed trying to avoid me. At this point I got back on the trail and was somewhat nervously proceeding, listening for any breaking sticks or other non-me sounds.

After another fifteen minutes of walking I began to relax and upon finding some nice cut and split firewood at a campsite I proceeded down the trail with the thought of my good fortune at coming upon such a treasure. As I carelessly rounded another spot in the trail coming to a campsite someone has labeled “Happy Camp” I saw a small cub go flying up a tree and saw its mother run to the tree, stand up and just stare at me. I didn’t feel like testing out the hollering method on a bear standing up staring at me with a cub in the tree above her. So I dropped my prized firewood and slowly backed away until I was out of sight of the bears. At this point I was thinking that I really didn’t like the trail that much anyway so I got in the river and waded upstream back to camp.

When I got back to camp I still had an hour and a half of daylight left so I thought I would snoop around a little bit. What I found was that the bears seem to use the campsite more than humans. Besides finding fresh bear scat all over, there was lots of turned over rocks, torn apart rotten logs, and other signs of them digging around for food. Happily I did not site any more bears that trip. Although on the hike out I stopped for a snack on the trail and heard one rock rolling down the hill ahead of me. I stopped and listened and a few seconds after the first one, I heard another rock rolling down the hill. After this repeated several more times, I hollered at what I assume was a bear around the bend of the trail. My holler was followed by a lot of brush crashing so I feel fairly confident that I came fairly close to another bear on that trip.

Back to my original story, I had pretty much planned on going into the Wenaha solo. Although I enjoy going into the Wenaha with or without company, I do prefer to have a good friend along to share the experience with or perhaps to fight off a bear if the need should arrive. With that in mind I began to scheme on how I could get Jeff to go with me and I thought the North Fork of the Wenaha might be the key to getting him to go. To explain I have to delve a little further into the past.

Before either Jeff or I began going into the Wenaha, Trever (now my business partner) worked for the forest service several summers cleaning trails. On the weekends Trever and I would travel together and compete at rodeos all over the Northwest and on these long drives Trever, knowing that I loved to flyfish, would tell me stories about the Wenaha and the fish that lurked there. Upon telling Jeff about Trever’s adventures, Jeff remembered a story about some guy telling his father about great fishing on the Wenaha. And if he remembered right, it was on the North Fork of the Wenaha. The only problem is that there is no trail into the North Fork. There was a trail at some point in time and it is still shown on maps.

With Jeff and I both ignorant of the trails into the Wenaha and not knowing that the trail into the North Fork had not been maintained in a long time we set out. We found the trailhead without any problems and began to hike. Indian trailhead is or was the starting point for two trails, Round Butte trail that is a 12 mile hike into the South Fork and the roughly 3 mile trail into the North Fork. They are supposed to run along the same path for a ways and then split. Upon coming to a long ridge about a ¼ mile away from the starting point Jeff and I couldn’t agree which way to go. We could only see one trail, but I did not think it went the right direction. After discussing it a bit I recommended that we call Trever if Jeff’s cell phone could get reception. Trever, my authority on the trails of the Wenaha, had never even heard of a trail going into the North Fork. After discussing it a while, Jeff won out and we headed down the trail that we could see. Needless to say we did not reach the North Fork. After several hours of hiking we turned around, assured that the trail into the North Fork did not split off somewhere further down. Later that year Jeff and his dad tried to find the trail again without success.

Not to be discouraged by our first failures, the following year Jeff and I decided that we would fish the North Fork of the Wenaha on the opening day of the fishing season. One of Jeff’s tennis players wanted to go as well and we made plans to drive up the day before and camp at the top. The following day we were supposed to hike in and fish.

With our trip planned and provisions packed we drove up Tiger Canyon. The weather was great and none of us had entertained the thought of finding snow on the shadowy slopes of 64. If you have ever been on the unmaintained section of forest service road 64, you know it gets narrow and has several spots where if you made a mistake driving, you would end up in the bottom of the canyon never to be heard from again. It was after getting on one of these narrow sections of road that we encountered the first bit of snow. There was not much so we simply drove over it. Not long after that we found a lot of snow. There was no way to turn around, the road was barely wide enough for the pickup and trying to back the pickup around the narrow curves and snow banks gave me butterflies in my stomach. So we decided to try and proceed with caution. It was a bad idea. The pickup nearly slid off the mountainside and it took us over a day of shoveling snow and cutting ice blocks with my chain saw to make a track through the snow banks. Once again we failed at getting to the North Fork. (Jeff has a full write up on this story and perhaps he can post it as well)

The North Fork became almost mythological like the elusive Sasquatch. We have talked many times of trying to go in there again over the last few years but never did make another attempt. This was my temptation for Jeff, the mythical North Fork.

I called Jeff again and tried to negotiate a trip. The trade was that my wife and I would come up to the cabin Friday night and hang out with everybody and then Saturday he and I would set out once again for the North Fork. Apparently I am not a good negotiator. What we finally agreed on was that I would drop my wife off Saturday morning to hang out with everybody while I braved the North Fork alone. I would hike out early Sunday morning and meet Jeff at the Cabin. From there we would load his dad’s trail 90s and we would try to reach the upper south fork of the Walla Walla on a trail that allowed motorized vehicles.

Saturday morning as planned my wife and I drove up Mill Creek. After a stop at the cabin I headed up Tiger Canyon alone. I had not been on the unmaintained portion of road 64 for several years and it has gotten severely torn up from people driving on it while soft. To say the least, I was cussing a lot. The ruts were deep and 10 miles per hour was top speed on the better spots.

It is near one of the really badly rutted sections of road that the unmarked road to Indian Trailhead meets 64. Whether it was due to one of my swearing episodes or just intense concentration on the ruts, I missed my turn. I began to think that I had missed my turn when I saw Squaw Peak and didn’t remember it. I was sure I missed my turn when I came to the marked turn to Table Rock Lookout. After more swearing I finally made it to Indian Trailhead. It was sometime between noon and one o’clock by then and it was hot. I threw on my pack and headed down the trail.

This time I was confident that I would make it to the North Fork. I had one big advantage this time. This spring I bought a Delorme Earthmate PN-40. I had a map of where the trail used to be combined with aerial photographs. From my GPS map I also finally had a name for the trail, Indian Tom Trail.

When I was about a ¼ mile away from the trailhead this time I knew this is where the old trail diverged. I took a hard left and to my surprise I could visually see the old trail in many areas. The trail basically goes straight down the ridge into the North Fork except that at some point in time it had a switchback near the bottom. As I made my way down it was kind of like a game of hide and seek. I would see the trail and then it was gone only to appear again 50 yards further down. The places that it was gone were the flatter rockier parts where a person could either walk somewhat easily and therefore no one trail would get worn down or it was mostly solid rock and so again there was no visible wear from traffic. When I came to brushy areas I was pleasantly surprised to find good paths through them and I can only assume that these paths are kept open by deer, elk, and bear using Indian Tom’s trail.

The hike down was hot, miserably so. And it was steep. I thought to myself several times that it was a really dumb idea to hike down an unmaintained trail by myself that I had never been down when there was extreme heat warnings for the weekend. It was a combination of the heat, the steepness of the trail and the beating my pickup and I took on the ride there that made me think several times about stopping and turning back.

I often looked at my GPS on the way down and was surprised that I stayed pretty much on the old trail the whole time. A little over half a mile from the bottom, the ridge gets really steep and really brushy. This is the point where the old trail switch backed. I looked hard for the old trail here or even a game trail that might make an easier path to the bottom. I finally found a game trail and began to make my way down it. Unfortunately the game trail abruptly stopped in the middle of thick brush and a nearly vertical part of the hill. Fighting my way through brush on a steep hillside is one of my least favorite things to do and I began another swearing episode. Looking at the aerial photographs from my GPS I could see that the ridge had a small brushless section about 200 feet away and I began to fight my way through to it. When I came to the clearing it was still steep, but at least I wasn’t fighting the brush. As I neared the bottom I could begin to see the North Fork through the trees. Just one last section of steep brush and I was there.

When I got to the bottom I was tired, hot, and hungry. I threw my pack off and crawled over a large downed log to take a look at the river and get some cold water. I thought to myself, “I came down that steep &%$#^#* mountain for this little thing!” Then I looked around the small flat area beside the river. I saw a freshly torn apart log, newly turned over rocks, and a torn up beehive. So not only was the North Fork tiny, but I’m in bear paradise it looks like.

I sat down and had some lunch with cold mountain water and began to feel a little better. I contemplated setting up my hammock and resting in the shade until it got cooler and simply hiking out, but that seemed like a waste of all that energy getting down there. Once I got on the river, the world seemed right again. The water was cool and clear as it should be.

As I began walking down the river I saw that my trip was not a waste of time. The hike is probably not worth it if you are looking for great fishing, but around almost every bend there was water cascading off the rocks. It was beautiful. There is no trail along the North Fork and it looks untouched by man. If it weren’t for an old fire ring and a few old rusty nails in the tree at the bottom of the old trail you could imagine that you were the first human to see it.

I walked and fished occasionally more struck with the beauty of how numerous the springs were. The North Fork grows bit by bit with each spring that feeds it. Although it is not large, it does form a lot of pools from running into the rock bluffs and there was one good sized pool created by a small log dam. After going downstream for roughly 2 miles it was almost five o’clock and I had decided at that point that if I didn’t want Jeff sending out a search party for me the next day I had better get at least part way up the steep trail that night.

By the time I got started up the trail it was getting close to seven. At that point I was thinking primarily about getting past the super steep and brushy part of the ridge and then camping somewhere on the trail overnight. I started up hoping that I would make it back to my pickup that night, but willing to settle for getting part way up the trail if I got tired of it.

Even though I have been hiking almost every weekend since the first of June, I realize that there are people who are in better shape than me and could possibly run up that hill, but it kicked my butt. The three miles up out of there was at the end of a 10 mile day and the heat had really drained me. The one thing I knew for sure was that Indian Tom was in good shape if he walked that trail all the time.

By the time I got a mile away from the trailhead my clothes were completely soaked with sweat, my legs felt shot, and I knew I wasn’t going to make it out before dark. As I stopped at numerous spots to let my legs rest or to try and find the best way up, I began looking at what trees would be best for hanging my hammock. I also began to think that it might be kind of a neat experience to camp on the nose of that ridge. But slowly I made my way to the top and when I came within a half mile of the trailhead I resolved to go all the way and tried to pick up my pace. By this time it was getting dark.

I have never been a big fan of hiking in the dark. Particularly when it is an unfamiliar area, there is no real trail, and I have to find paths around rock bluffs. It didn’t get good and dark until I was nearly to the summit. I pulled out my flashlight and made my way around the last few sets of obstacles before the two trails meet. Once on top it is a short jaunt down hill to the trailhead and I felt a huge relief that I didn’t have to walk up hill anymore. The only obstacle left was a small section of wooded area and I like hiking in the woods in the dark even less than hiking open areas in the dark. Often when I am alone in dense brush or trees, or in the woods in the dark I will sing or whistle. I do this both to warn creatures ahead that I am coming and to make myself feel better since I can’t hear every crackle in the brush around me. That night, with bears on my mind, the only appropriate song I could think of was on old Johnny Horton song “Ole Slew Foot” and I just sang the first verse of the song that begins “Bear tracks, bear tracks lookin’ back at me.” It made me feel even better that I was singing it when I heard multiple creatures go crashing through the brush ahead of me, rather than them taking off in the brush when I was at close proximity.

Once to the top I began heating some water for dinner. After a nice hot meal of freeze dried lasagna and a dry set of clothes, I set up my hammock and crawled in. Tired from the day, I fell asleep almost instantly. Sometime in the middle of the night I awoke to hear a sniffing sound near my head. Awoken from a deep sleep I was a bit startled and my first thought was that a bear was sniffing at me right outside my hammock. I listened for a few seconds and then hollered at whatever was examining me and my hammock. I heard hooves trotting off and fell back asleep. The first deer or elk that sniffed me must have told his friends and I think I became the central focal point of woodland creatures that night. I awoke several more times to other animals sniffing near my head or walking around my hammock.

I woke at 5:30, fixed coffee and breakfast and headed down the road to meet Jeff for Sunday’s adventure. To hear about Sunday’s adventure you will have to read Jeff’s story.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July 17 trip down Cross Canyon

As usual I was a bit rushed leaving for another Wenaha trip with Grant. We had originally planned on leaving around noon on Friday so I made morning plans. Grant, however, finished work early and was itching to hit the road ASAP. Luckily I had packed the night before so I grabbed my gear (hoping that I remembered everything) and headed out the door.

For this weekend adventure we planned on a two-night trip into the Wenaha using the Cross Canyon trail. Would be a bit of a rough weekend as the area was under an extreme weather watch for high temperatures: in Walla Walla the temp was expected to peak at 103 each day of the weekend. Mother Nature didn’t disappoint as it was damn hot on the hike down Cross Canyon. Bit a disappointing start to the trip as there were three vehicles already parked at the trailhead. We briefly contemplated going to the Hoodoo trailhead, but since we had just hiked it two weeks ago we stuck to Cross Canyon.

Since there were campers at our normal spot we made camp where the trail intersects the river. Pretty open spot: right on the trail and below the Cross Canyon trail. However based on the fire ring and make-shift wooden bench the spot appeared to popular with campers. After setting up camp we put on fishing gear and headed downstream. A bit downstream from the rock/fence area (where the Forest Service used fencing and rocks to create the trail) Grant spotted a couple Bull Trout in a deep section of water next to the bank. Was pretty fun watching the bulls move from under the bank to chase his fly.

Downstream of Butte Creek is the first deep hole where the river runs into a basalt cliff face. Always been a disappointing spot, we have fished the spot several times and never had much luck. Friday afternoon was no different as we didn’t see any fish. A bit below the pool is a small riffle where I had landed a nice rainbow the previous year. I drifted the double bunny and copper john combo through the riffle a couple times when WHAM fish on. And not just any fish but a very large fish! After the fish made a couple runs up and down the river my 3x tippet broke and the monster was free (of course Grant chastised me for using 3x instead of a heavier 2x tippet).

Even though it was incredibly hot during the day the temperature cooled off in the evenings. In fact it got down right chilly! The drop in temperature was partially due to the fact we were camped on an exposed area a few yards from the river. We both got chilled in our hammocks and light weight sleeping bags. Good lesson to learn -- even on the hottest days the Wenaha nights can get chilly.

Saturday we awoke to realize that a horrible, wild animal had ravaged our camp while we slept! A mouse or squirrel had chewed holes through both of packs and gotten into various food items. On of my compression straps was completely chewed off and Grant had several big holes in his pack. After lamenting the condition of our gear we prepared a breakfast of oatmeal and black coffee. Instead of same old oatmeal packets I prepared an oatmeal recipe I found at It was a great recipe, easy to make and the freezer bag made for quick cleanup.

Since we had fished about a mile downstream the previous night we hit the main Wenaha trail and hiked to our stopping point. On the hike we ran into a decent sized rattler about 100 yards upstream from Butte Creek. He was curled up under a rock next to the trail. Not a good place for a rattler to be making home – right on the trail under a rock! Around 9am we entered the river to start the days fishing. Even at 9am it was getting hot! We kept our normal routine of staying in the water and fished downstream. At one of the deeper pools we caught a decent sized rainbow, whitefish and bull trout. I couldn’t resist naming the pool the “trifecta pool”. However I should name the pool “broken rod pool” because that is exactly what happened: in dislodging my flies from an underwater snag I broke my fly rod! Some items are special and items have special memories: my fly rod is both. In 1996 while living in Boise my wife took the time to hand-craft this rod for me. I have been lucky enough to fish many wonderful waters in WA, OR, ID and MT over the past 10-15 years: that rod has been everyplace with me! To make matters worse my 18th anniversary was in two days! Needless to say I was incredibly bummed. I was also bummed that in my rush to get out of the house I forgot a backup rod. Looks like a spare rod is a must have when venturing in the Wenaha wilderness. Earlier in the season Grant also broke a rod.

Grant was gracious enough to share his rod with me as we fished downstream. Not an ideal situation, but while one of us fished the other would look for bull trout or have a snack. I had the rod when we came to a nice looking, long run. That long run produced my best fishing of the weekend. For a while it seemed that every cast was producing a fish or a decent hook up. Like the “trifecta pool” I caught bulls, rainbows and a large 20” whitefish. What is it about Whitefish? Once hooked these fish don’t fight or put up much of a struggle. Too bad the 20” Whitefish was very deep and should/could of put a decent fight.

Once we reached the water we had fished two weeks prior I decided I was bushed and got on the trail to head back to camp. As usual Grant fished a bit longer so I hiked solo back to camp. I was having a nice peaceful walk down the trail when a large brown creature jumped onto the trail ahead of me and run out of site. My initial thought was oh crap a bear (which there are many of in the Wenaha area). However after my initial shock I realized the critter had moose horns. In my explorations of the Wenaha I’ve never seen a moose, in fact I didn’t know there were moose in the area. Rest of the hike was pretty uneventful until returning to the rattlesnake rock. Sure enough the rattler was still there, coiled up under the rock, and rattling when I got near. Tough decision, stay on the trail and pass within 2’ of a coiled up rattler or jump down the embankment into the water. Well not such a tough decision I jumped into the water and walked the river back to camp.

While waiting for Grant I had another dehydrated dinner and read my book while waiting for Grant to return back to camp. About an hour later I see Grant across the river with a big stick and rock in hand. At camp he said not only did he again see the rattler but 3 more within 50’. One of them didn’t rattle until he placed his foot next to the snake! For the record don’t worry about the snake curled up the rock: Grant made sure that snake won’t be bothering any further hikers!

After dinner we sat in the hammocks talking about the day of fishing. Grant got a chuckle out of my close semi-close encounter with a moose. He also had never seen a moose in the area. A few minutes later Grant’s eyes get big and he shouts “watch out, moose!” I jump out of my hammock and sure enough that moose is barreling down the trail towards out camp! Grant’s yell startles the moose which slams to a stop, turns around and runs back down the trail. Incredibly funny moment -- a moose almost runs through our camp a few minutes after I was telling my story about seeing one on the trail.

Not much to report on Sunday. I was tired and wasn’t in the mood to fish which was probably a good thing since I didn’t have a rod. Instead I had a delightful day hanging in my hammock and read “What Angels Fear” by CS Harris (historical fiction mystery). Grant returned about 4pm and we waited until about 7pm to make the hike out. Was bloody hot and Cross Canyon is the steepest trail down to the Wenaha. The days rest did me good as I make the hike without stopping (3.2 miles and almost 2k elevation change)! Damn hard but I made it.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Some Pictures from July 17-19

Below is a link to some pictures from the July 17-19 trip down Cross Canyon. More pictures and a story later this week!

Cabela's Rods on Sale

Cabela's has some great pricing on their traditional II rods. Can pick up most models for $39!

Monday, July 13, 2009

South Fork Walla Walla Float

Ring Ring Ring .. 8am Sunday and Grant is calling to get me out of bed. We had planned to float the South Fork (and upper main stem) of the Walla Walla that day but I wasn't quite ready to start the day. After a quick breakfast I loaded up two new Outfitter X9 Pontoon boats that were on loan from Papa Coach. I felt bad (only slightly) that I was going to use his new pontoon boats before he had even taken them out of the box. But I figured someone should test them out to make sure they were safe for family use!

Note: I have never been in a pontoon boat and only been in a drift boat once. All this is very new to me.

Setting up the Outfitter X9 (purchased from Costco) was pretty straightforward. No major hitches in putting the boats together and we were fortunate to have the "help" of Grant's three young children. As Grant's wife put it "sometimes putting together things it is like an octopus in the fray". I suppose sometimes it is possible to have too much help.

For our first float we headed to Harris Park on the South fork of the Walla Walla and planned to float to Milton Freewater -- about 13-15 miles. It was about noon by the time we got ready and had the boats in the water.

Man what a blast! I have to say the pontoon boats are fun and very stable. Main problem was learning how to control the boats. In normal boat rowing you row "backwards" and pull the boat along. In the pontoon boats you are facing forward and mainly use the oars to steer..which is backwards of a normal rowboat. Lets just say it took a while to get used to the steering and movement of the boat.

We had planned to fish along the way but only stopped twice to fish. The South Fork was pretty low, brushy, and had numerous logs across the river. Because of all the obstacles we left our rods safely in their cases. Since it turned out to be a pain to re-rig every time we didn't fish much. However there appeared to be some pretty good pools between Harris Park down past the fish hatchery.

Speaking of fish hatchery one of the highlights of the day was spotting four salmon along the float. Very cool to see these huge fish in the small river. One of the them swam past the boats half out of the water! Amazing the speed and power of these huge fish.

I would divide the float into three parts. First third was a blast: combination of white water rafting, exploration and mastery of the boats. River had enough water that there wasn't much problem getting around. The middle third of the river pretty much sucked. We both lost an "oar stopper" from an oar and ended up being forced to use one oar as a paddle. Plus the river got much more shallow with more down trees and obstacles in the water. We ended up pulling the boats around many obstructions in the water. Really became a pain. Last third of the trip was pretty fun. The river more or less straightened out and the float became pretty easy. Plus we just resigned ourselves to go with the "flow" and let the river push us around. This seemed the easiest way to deal with only having one paddle.

The float took about 6 hours which was probably a bit too long for our first pontoon adventure. Next time we will probably put in at Harris Park and float just past the fish hatchery..hopefully this way we will get in some fishing time.

I'll post my thoughts on the Costco Outfitter X9 later this week.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July Wenaha Trip

Grant and I had a wonderful four-day Wenaha experience over the 4th of July. Originally we planned on leaving early Friday morning; however that morning Grant had to replace the starter in his Jeep Cherokee so we got a bit of a late start. With new starter and battery in place we hit the road for the Wenaha river.

The Wenaha Wilderness area is close to the Walla Walla Valley – only about 70 miles from Milton-Freewater. However much of the trip is on gravel mountain roads so the drive is about 2 hours.

From the south side of the Wilderness area there are few trails down to the river. We decided to fish the lower portion of the river so we hiked down Hodoo trail (about 3 miles). The Hodoo trail ends at the river on the opposite side of the main Wenaha trail. Water flow was low enough that crossing didn’t pose a problem.

Once to the bottom of the trail we sent up the Hennessy Hammocks, unpacked our fishing gear and hit the river. For the first day we fished downstream from camp. Directly below Hodoo is a nice hole (we call the Big Hole). Since Grant is a gentleman he let me have the first crack at a big bull trout. He climbed up the bluff to peer into the water and spot. On one of my first casts I had a bull follow my fly as I stripped it through the water. Unfortunately I was a bit quick on the strips and never allowed the fish to grab the fly. I was still able to land a smaller bull in the Big Hole.

We finished the day’s fishing at Crooked Creek which is roughly 3 miles from Hodoo. Grant fished a bit below Crooked Creek and I hit the trail back to camp. I was exhausted by the hike down Hodoo in 100+ degree weather. Was probably a good thing since Grant didn’t catch anything below Crooked Creek.

Friday night was going to be my first night in my Hennessy Hammock. Grant spent the previous weekend in the Wenaha and slept in his Hennessy. However hammock camping proved to be cold and he had two miserable evenings. A problem with “hanging” (i.e., hammock camping) is there isn’t any “loft” under the sleeper. The cold area under hammock can make one’s backside very cold. I had read about being cold hammock camping so I outfitted my Hennessy with an underquilt. Also based on Grant’s recommendations I layered up in heavy thermal underwear, two pair of socks and put the rain fly down around the hammock (to keep cool air off). About 1 minute into the hammock I was miserably hot! I ended up flipping off the rain fly and sleeping in my long johns. I was still too warm and spent most of the night out of my sleeping bag. Overall my first night of the Hennessy was awesome! Normally after a night of sleeping on the ground I’m stiff and sore, not so with the Hennessy.

Saturday we headed upstream about 3.5 miles (about half way to Cross Canyon) and fished downstream towards camp. based on Grant’s experience we skipped fishing around Fairview Bar.

In the late afternoon dark thunderheads started to roll into the canyon. As the rain drops started to fall I got nervous about our camp. I had left the rain fly off my hammock and had visions of coming back to a hammock and sleeping bag full of water! We finished fishing back to the Hodoo trail and made it back to camp just has a light rain started to fall. We were able to get our rain flies set up and camp prepared for the approaching rain. We literally got everything set up 10 minutes before a heavy downpour. Certainly was a great lesson: no matter what the weather looks like ALWAYS prepare your camp for rain.

Sunday morning I awoke very tired. The hike down Hodoo and 15 miles of hiking, fishing, and river wading was taking it toll on my body. After another breakfast of black coffee and oatmeal we decided to again hit the water below Hodoo. After a good couple hours of fishing we decided to continue below Crooked Creek and fish some new water.

Below Crooked Creek the fishing was horrible. Not sure why but for some reason we couldn’t find any fish. Maybe it is because the river is straighter and doesn’t seem to have as many deep pools. Maybe it is the fact that there is more sediment in the river. For whatever reason the fishing was poor and not worth the effort (at least this day). Only bright spot was a decent rainbow I hooked and landed. As we debated the merits of keeping the fish for dinner he wriggled free and saved himself from our campfire.

On the way back we decided to fish a hole near the camp site more time. Interestingly we saw a big fish jump out of the water twice: once he was moving upstream and another downstream. We never got a good look at the fish, Grant thought it might have been a bull trout but I saw a very coppery color and think it was a big rainbow (or maybe an early salmon). After seeing this monster rise twice Grant switched to a dry fly (stimulator). We never caught another glimpse of that big rising fish. Grant did catch a decent rainbow that we kept for dinner. Upon cleaning the rainbow we noticed his stomach was stuffed full of caddis and caddis casings. Was a bizarre sight to see a fish stomach full of tiny sticks and rocks!

We had been in the wilderness area for three days and had yet to see another person. Strange considering we had covered A LOT of ground over three days and it was the 4th of July weekend. That all changed Monday morning. After a rainy morning (which was blessing since I was able to rest for a couple hours) we left camp to cross the Wenaha at Hodoo. At the bottom of Hodoo was an absolutely amazing sight – we saw the first person of the trip! This guy had packed a 9’ pontoon boat plus gear down Hodoo (his pack was about 75 pounds AND he had the boat frame)! He was planning to solo float the Wenaha to Troy, OR (planning on taking 4 days). Was a bit disappointed when he said he was going to fish using big 9” lures and worms. Big lures are one thing, but worms are forbidden on most selective waters. The fish tend to swallow the worms making it impossible to release them unharmed. This is even more troubling with the endangered/protected bull trout in the Wenaha.

With the day wearing on we hit the trail and headed back to camp. After getting camp broke and our packs loaded up it was 7:30pm (about 2 hours later than we had originally planned to leave). Not sure if it was the cooler weather (was about 75-80) or the fact I was getting used to walking but for the first time I was able to make it up Hodoo without stopping. Was an incredible feeling making it to the top in an hour (this on top of the fact we had already done over 7 miles of hiking/fishing earlier that day).

A few miles driving away from Hodoo we were flagged down by a vehicle. They asked if had seen two men and a three-legged dog on the river. Apparently the wife of one of the men had gone into labor two-months early and just had their baby. These guys were trying to notify him of the birth his child. Only problem is they had no idea where he was or what vehicle he was driving. We explained to them we had been upstream and downstream over three miles in each direction and not seen a soul. We departed for home joking about two men and three-legged dog. About the time we hit the main road that borders the wilderness area I had the thought that the two men and three legged dog probably started in Troy. Most people that visit the Wenaha start in Troy so they don’t have to cross the river. We turned around and drove back to the Hodoo trailhead just in time to catch the men before they hiked down the trail. We explained to them the trail is on the far side of Hodoo and most people start hiking the Wenaha trail at Troy.

Funny that over a holiday weekend we don’t see a single soul along the river and then on Monday meet someone planning on solo floating the river and a group of men looking for two men and a three-legged dog.

Overall a great trip into the Wenaha.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hidden Pools is Born

So why hidden pools? I've been thinking about an outdoor adventure blog for some time now. Over the years I have had the good fortune of exploring and fly fishing some incredible outdoor locales in the Western US (WA, OR, ID and MT). As I get older and starting thinking about the places I've been I wonder how they will change over time. What will the landscape look like? What will the fish runs be like? How will we change the wilderness area around us?

Also my sense of adventure and passion for the outdoors is small compared to my good friend and blog partner Grant. He is a true fly fishing "bum" (in the best sense of the word) in that most free weekend he spends seeking out fly fishing opportunities: often spending weekends by himself in wilderness areas. I look forward to hearing about his various adventures.

Now this will sound sappy but both Grant and I have young children. I think it would be an interesting legacy to our children to see the places we have explored, hiked, and fished. Who knows maybe one day when they are old enough they will want to retrace the places we have been. Hopefully the hidden pools of today will still be a great treasure in the future.